Conference Papers:
Jie Zhao, Cédric Bastoul, Yanzhi Yi, Jiahui Hu, Wang Nie, Renwei Zhang, Zhen Geng, Chong Li, Thibaut Tachon, Zhiliang Gan, Parallelizing neural network models effectively on gpu by implementing reductions atomically. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'22), 2022. Jie Zhao, Xiong Gao, Ruijie Xia, Zhaochuang Zhang, Deshi Chen, Lei Chen, Renwei Zhang, Zhen Geng, Bin Cheng, Xuefeng Jin, Apollo: Automatic partition-based operator fusion through layer by layer optimization. Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys'22), 2022. Jie Zhao, Bojie Li, Wang Nie, Zhen Geng, Renwei Zhang, Xiong Gao, Bin Cheng, Chen Wu, Yun Cheng, Zheng Li, Peng Di, Kun Zhang, Xuefeng Jin, AKG: automatic kernel generation for neural processing units using polyhedral transformations. Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'21), 2021. Kai sheng Luo, Zheng Shi, Zhen Geng, Machine learning based lithography hotspot detection with sparse feature encoding and hierarchical pattern classification. ECS Transactions (ECS'14), 2014. Zhen Geng, Zheng Shi, Xiaolang Yan, Kaisheng Luo, A New Level-Set-Based Inverse Lithography Algorithm for Process Robustness Improvement with Attenuated Phase Shift Mask. 2013 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD&CG'13), 2013. Journal Papers:
Zhen Geng, Zheng Shi, Xiao-Lang Yan, Kai-Sheng Luo, Wei-Wei Pan. Fast level-set-based inverse lithography algorithm for process robustness improvement and its application. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 30(3), pages 629-638, 2015. Kai-sheng Luo, Zheng Shi, Xiao-lang Yan, Zhen Geng. SVM based layout retargeting for fast and regularized inverse lithography. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 15(5), pages 390-400, 2014. Zhen Geng, Zheng Shi, Xiao-lang Yan, Kai-sheng Luo. Regularized level-set-based inverse lithography algorithm for IC mask synthesis. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 14, pages 799-807, 2013. Yanghuan Li, Zheng Shi, Zhen Geng, Yiwei Yang, Xiaolang Yan. A new algorithm of inverse lithography technology for mask complexity reduction. Journal of Semiconductors, 33(4), pages 045009, 2012.